Tuesday, May 12, 2009


So this is long over due... It's been a month and a half since I've written on my blog... Oh how I have missed you. Well I'm back we have had a lot going on over in the Espinoza house hold!!! Hudson got his first black eye... and he looked so cute. I probably shouldn't think that since I know it caused a little pain, but still!!! Also we found out about a month ago that I am Pregnant!!! It was a very exciting day and I have been wanting to share it with our family and friends, but have just been waiting a little... And yes I will be due in December again... Bringing me back to why it has taken me so long to write. This pregnancy is not as easy as my little Hudson was. I never even felt a thing other than him moving... Well this time around I have been Exhausted! Nauseous! and just not my normal self! So there we have it thats our big update. And I promise it wont be as long between blogs this time:)


kiks said...

1st of all CONGRATS!!!
2nd- I hate you for not telling me sooner!
3rd- finally you will know what morning sickness is all about. i was beyond jealous when you were preggs w hud and i with cz and me totally sick and you well, perfect.

let the accupuncture begin... i have a great dr. for that if needed.

Mockabee Seven said...

Holy crap! I have not been checking your blog because of your, ahem, lack of posts.... buuut, I randomly did tonight and so glad that I did!

Yay and congrats! Our babes will be about a month apart!

So happy for you (although the nausea, yucky, sorry)!