Friday, August 27, 2010

super hero

Needing a little inspiration for a DIY birthday present? Well I have just the thing. Hudson had a boys 4th birthday the other week. I wanted to give him something original something fun and I knew he was into super heros ( I mean what boy isn't?) so why not a personalized cape and shirt. This was so easy I bought the iron on letters from joann's. I cut out a lighting bolt applique out of felt and sewed that on. I bought a 1/2 yard of red nylon fabric. I cut the fabric into the shape of a cape sewed it added some pleats at the top and a couple pieces of velcro to the back of the shirt and the cape so he can take it off if he wants and Viola! A fun one of a kind personalized present.

I made Hudson model.. He really got into it.

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