Thursday, July 15, 2010

Garden State

Yes that is a picture of a HUGE zucchini. That's what happens when you are away for the weekend and you are unable to tend to your garden. That's right mommy and daddy went out of town this weekend for the first time ever!!! 2 nights to ourselves children free. It was lovely! We had our very good friends wedding to attend in Seattle and at the time I figured Kingsley would almost be 7 months so it wouldn't be that hard leaving him. Wrong! The night before I was a wreck crying as I rocked him to sleep the fear of flying was giving me great anxiety. And as the morning approached us leaving I had to wake him up to nurse one last time before I left. Boarding the plane was not much better all I could do was pray. Then we landed and I was like a whole new women excited to be alone with my husband was an understatement. Adventuring a new city together, being able to take showers without children, blowing out my hair and putting make up on in the same day was amazing. Remembering why I chose Alex as my life long partner was the best part about our whole trip. We are the "A" Team and we are good together. I love my husband always, but through the chaos that the day brings with children you often overlook those great qualities that made you fall in love with that person. Our 3 day vaca went by fast and the hardest part about coming home was having to throw away all the breast milk I pumped and was trying to save. Of coarse while we were gone I had forgotten my camera so I didn't get to take pictures of how beautiful everything was including the party at the farm and the elegant wedding at the Four Seasons. Looks like we will have to go back soon to visit and take pictures:)

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